Data Management

Having a data management system that works for your program–the way you enter, store and use your data–can really take your program to the next level. Beyond reporting, a good data management system helps you look at your data in new ways. It allows you to enter data that is customized to the way your community talks about themselves, and with processes that are intuitive to your staff. It allows you to store your data securely and consistently, then combine your data in endless ways to share the story of your work to a wide variety of audiences. From exploring what data systems are on the market to migrating data from other systems, our team will work with your staff to co-create a system that works for your staff, your needs, and the communities you serve.

Our Data Management Services

Data Literacy Training

It is hard to build and maintain a great data management system if your staff isn’t engaged, or isn’t sure why they are collecting all of that data. With this training, we meet your staff where they are, discussing their doubts and fears about data. We explain the fundamentals of what data is, how to understand it in various formats, and demonstrate how data can help them in their roles, as well as help the communities they serve.

Data Quality Tools

We can help you take your data quality to the next level with custom Excel-based tools that help you quickly hone in on missing and inaccurate data. We supplement this with Data Quality Training, as needed, and refining data processes to improve quality.

Data Quality Assessment

We will help you systematically look at the data you are collecting through the lens of data quality best practices. Where are you missing data? Where are errors most likely to occur? We will assess your data quality needs and provide recommendations for processes or tools to improve your data quality.

Data Quality Training

Data quality depends on a data culture with engaged staff, and solid data processes. We support you in assessing your data quality issues and work with your staff to get everyone invested in collecting consistent, high quality data.

Data Reviews

We work with you to step back and really ask–what do you really want and need to know about our clients/program, given your various stakeholders (internal and external), your goals, and your mission and vision?

Data Visualization Tools

We can help you amplify your story with visual representations of your data. We support you in choosing how best to communicate your stories with visuals, from charts, graphs and tables to maps, infographics, word clouds and more. This includes designing dashboards to help you see and make meaning from the impacts of your program.

Database Assessment and Selection

We have experience with many of the leading Client Management Systems, and are happy to share our knowledge and experiences with you. We will assess your current data management system and provide our recommendations. If you decide to move to a new system, we will set up demonstrations, translate needs between you and the vendors, and help you find the system that best fits your current and future needs.

Database Design

We can create custom relational databases for your program or organization, based on your needs and the types of data you want to collect. This can complement current data systems, or serve as a standalone system. This includes training for staff to be able to complete data entry, and maintain the database for maximum sustainability.

Database Implementation

We support you through the full implementation process of a new data tracking system, to keep your data needs in mind, train your staff, customize training materials for your specific needs and database, and maintain the integrity of your data. This process can include data migration from other data tracking systems, or migrating data from Excel spreadsheets or paper forms.

Process Documentation

Along with supporting you to examine and improve your processes, we work with you to document data-related processes and procedures to get your staff on the same page, set yourself up to improve processes, and to serve as guides and training materials.

Process Improvement

Borrowing from the best practices of Lean Management, we support you in examining your data-related processes, finding opportunities to improve workflows, and creating a culture where staff are engaged in making processes really work for them. This can have a huge impact on workload, data quality, and staff engagement.

Reporting Support

You don’t have to dread reporting! We have experience with reporting to a wide variety of funders, including MIECHV and Tribal MIECHV, and many models. We work with you to create tools and processes to make reporting predictable and as easy as possible. We can support with data quality checks, custom reports, reporting calendar, semi-automated tools, dashboards and more. We will get creative to make sure you have what you need at your fingertips.

These processes can be done alone, together, or more holistically with our various Data Capacity Building processes.